January Goals 1

Wowie… has it really been over a MONTH since I last posted a blog entry?!? I logged in here and had a ton of updates to do. That’s not good.

December sure was an absolute BUST. November was going so well, then December rolled around and I got sick. I’m only just now starting to feel better. 🙁 Combine being sick with work, holidays, and all the running around deal shopping. Yeah, didn’t get anything accomplished on the personal front.

Didn’t get anything accomplished except for reading that is! I did keep up on that. I read The One Thing by Gary Keller and I’m just finishing up Getting Things Done by David Allen. I enjoyed both books immensely and I will absolutely be revisiting them both in the near future. This weekend I will really start implementing some things I learned from GTD. That’s going to be a LONG process, but so worth it!

So – my goal for January? Very simply: I plan to post at least one blog entry every single day of the month. I would like to implement some GTD principles and put my blogging life on a working schedule. Since I run multiple blogs and not just this one, a functional schedule would really help me keep ideas straight and actually post content regularly. That sounds so appealing to me right now!

On that note, I am exhausted!! Time to get some sleep so I can get up early and be off and running on my projects. Day 1 blog entry – DONE! 🙂

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